'Cohiba', 'Montecristo', 'Partagás' and 'Romeo y Julietta' are a few of the famous Cuban brands available. We purchase, under license, from the Cuban Authorities, only the finest cigars directly from the world-renowned factories in Havana. Consequently, our cigars endure a minimum amount of handling and time out of a humidor from the moment they are shipped from Cuba until the time they reach your humidor.
Our web site has been carefully constructed to provide an informative and graphic catalogue, which will assist you in selecting not only your favorite Habanos, but also to allow you to explore a tantalizing variety of Cuban handmade cigars and the subtle pleasures which they offer!
Our commitment is to provide our customers with the highest quality, hand-rolled, Cuban cigars at competitive prices, along with a high standard of personal service.
We will endeavour to have your selection of the very finest cigars Cuba has to offer in your humidor as expeditiously as possible.