


A new brand which was introduced only in 1968, Cohiba quickly became the flagship brand of the Cuban cigar industry. Developed initially as a medium bodied protocol cigar for presentation only by officials of the Cuban government, Cohiba was marketed widely beginning in 1982. The initial sizes were the Lancero, the Corona Especiale and the Panetela, with the Esplendido, Robusto and Exquisito added in 1989. In 1992, in salute to the 500th anniversary of Columbus' discovery of the Caribbean, the Siglo series was introduced. The Cohiba series was initially made in the El Laguito factory in Havana, but production is now also in the Fernando Perez German factory. Flagship Cuban brand - medium strong.

Cohiba Behike 52

Ring gauge 52, length 4 3/5 inches.  Box of 10 cigars.
The Behike will be produced in very limited quantities every year at the exclusive El Laguito factory, and the rolling process, using tobacco leaves selected from the finest plantations in San Juan y Martínez and San Luis, will incorporate the Medio Tiempo for the first time, a very rare leaf which offers exceptional character and taste. The natural scarcity of the Medio Tiempo, taken from the upper leaves of sun-grown tobacco plants, and which not all plants produce, makes Cohiba Behike a limited availablility product which will be hard to find. The Cohiba Behikes joins existing lines of the Cohiba brand. Its three new heavy ring gauge vitolas are new Habanos formats. As well as guaranteeing an excellent burn, they will allow the smoker to appreciate and enjoy the full intensity and complexity of its flavours.

Cohiba Behike 54

Ring gauge 54, length 5 3/5 inches.  Box of 10 cigars.
The Behike will be produced in very limited quantities every year at the exclusive El Laguito factory, and the rolling process, using tobacco leaves selected from the finest plantations in San Juan y Martínez and San Luis, will incorporate the Medio Tiempo for the first time, a very rare leaf which offers exceptional character and taste. The natural scarcity of the Medio Tiempo, taken from the upper leaves of sun-grown tobacco plants, and which not all plants produce, makes Cohiba Behike a limited availablility product which will be hard to find. The Cohiba Behikes joins existing lines of the Cohiba brand. Its three new heavy ring gauge vitolas are new Habanos formats. As well as guaranteeing an excellent burn, they will allow the smoker to appreciate and enjoy the full intensity and complexity of its flavours.

Cohiba Behike 56

Ring gauge 56, length 6.5 inches.  Box of 10 cigars.
The Behike will be produced in very limited quantities every year at the exclusive El Laguito factory, and the rolling process, using tobacco leaves selected from the finest plantations in San Juan y Martínez and San Luis, will incorporate the Medio Tiempo for the first time, a very rare leaf which offers exceptional character and taste. The natural scarcity of the Medio Tiempo, taken from the upper leaves of sun-grown tobacco plants, and which not all plants produce, makes Cohiba Behike a limited availablility product which will be hard to find. The Cohiba Behikes joins existing lines of the Cohiba brand. Its three new heavy ring gauge vitolas are new Habanos formats. As well as guaranteeing an excellent burn, they will allow the smoker to appreciate and enjoy the full intensity and complexity of its flavours.

Cohiba Coronas Especiales, 5 pack

Ring gauge 38, length 6 inches. 5 cigars.

Created in 1969, shorter than the Lancero but similar in taste.  Rich, elegant, floral, coffee, vanilla and cocoa flavours. Strong Cohiba taste

Cohiba Coronas Especiales

Ring gauge 38, length 6 inches. Box of 25 cigars.

Created in 1969, shorter than the Lancero but similar in taste.  Rich, elegant, floral, coffee, vanilla and cocoa flavours. Strong Cohiba taste

Cohiba Esplendidos, 3 pack

Ring gauge 47, length 7 inches. 3 cigars.

A top Cohiba cigar, Deep rich strong Cohiba, certainly one of the top 10 Cuban cigars. Make sure you give yourself enough time to enjoy this delightful treat.

Cohiba Esplendidos

Ring gauge 47, length 7 inches. Box of 25 Cigars.

A 91 by Cigar Aficionado a powerful full bodied cigar. Reddish brown wrapper and well made. Smooth tasting with sweet peppery character and a flavour of coffee and cocoa beans.

Cohiba Especiales, Pack of 5 cigars

An 89 from the Cigar Aficionado, a frim well made cigar produces well rounded flavours of spices and nutmeg. A solid tobacco chararcter with an earthy, chocolaty finish.

Cohiba Especiales

An 89 from the Cigar Aficionado, a frim well made cigar produces well rounded flavours of spices and nutmeg. A solid tobacco chararcter with an earthy, chocolaty finish.

Cohiba Exquisitos

Ring gauge 36, length 4.9 inches.

Also known as a seoane by Cohiba, named for the spanish gentlemen they were originall made to order for.  Medium to full bodied smoke, spicy with a good aroma.  God for a casual smoke as they are not long and burn quickly (a 20 minute cigar)